Daring to create, innovate and undertake:
MAD-Skills.eu "Master, Apply and Dynamise your talents and skills online!"
Our multiple tools will help promote your business and activities.
The concept of "mad skills" brings you a multidimensional expertise to boost your skills and talents to address current and future challenges. Welcome!
329.734 visits on <MAD-Skills.eu> websites
from 01.01.2021 to 30.09.2024.
These Google Analytics statistics result from the sites created and developed by the system administrator owner and web creator of <MAD-Skills.eu> on her independent and secure Linux Debianserver hosted by Wistee in Paris.
Websites and actions powered by MAD-Skills.eu:
The best offer of MAD-Skills.eu
v Ethics
v Creation of ICT tools
v Sharing skills
v Domain names
v Simple or complex website
v Help with design and writing
v Updates and statistics of visits
> Webmail of the members of MAD-Skills.eu
v Photo M-A D. : par-dessus les nuages qui inondent la vallée se dressent les sommets de
la Pointe de Tsalion (3.512m) et les Pointes des Douves blanches (3.664m)
entourant l'Aiguille de la Tsa (3.668m) à Arolla, Valais.
(c) https://www.MAD-Skills.eu, entity of eWoïa srl